Friday, February 8, 2008


The General Elections are around the corner. As usual politicians will be making their rounds fishing for votes. Several writers predict a tough time for the ruling BN. I won't go into the merits or demerits of voting for the BN / Opposition.

But I have a grouse. In fact all my neighbours have the same grouse. The Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) is not providing us our money's worth of services.

In July 2006 I complained to MPAJ that the open area behind the row of houses along Jalan 1/1 in Taman TAR had not been attended to. I remember I complained in July because that's when branches from the trees behind my house came down due a thunderstorm causing minor damages to my house. In fact to TNB's credit, the cables that fell on the road were reinstalled within one hour of my complaining.

In December 2006, I received a card dated 26th but posted on 16 Jan 2007 acknowledging my complaint with the usual "aduan ......diambil perhatian".

Today 18 months after my complaint, the situation is still the same - where we had no unwanted trees, there are several, unsightly shrubs cover the whole area. We have had creepy crawlies in the area.

The Head of the Civil Service has visited MPAJ twice to create a change in the attitude / mindset. We pay our assessments as demanded but wither the service, MPAJ?

Maybe, the coming GE 2008 will bring us a windfall - better services - but I hope that comes b4 the GE.

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